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Featured Review

Review: Rebel Genius

Hello everyone!

Today, I'm excited to be sitting down in front of my computer, turning up the Hamilton soundtrack, and FINALLY writing this review for you! ;) Today, I will be reviewing another book from our beloved BooklyBox.

The book from December's Fantasy Box was Rebel Genius by Michael Dante DiMartino. When I found out that this book was written by one of the co-creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender, I honestly had a bit of a fangirl moment. I have always loved Avatar and couldn't wait to see if Rebel Genius had that same, special touch to it.

I was not disappointed.

Even though this might be considered a "middle-grade" book (i.e. for people who are middle school age), I did not find this book to be "too young" for me. The writing reminded me a lot of Percy Jackson or Harry Potter (both of which are considered to be "middle grade" or "children's" novel).

With that being said, let's get to the review :)

Here, we review book based on five categories: plot, characters, description, pace, and extras. The book is able to earn up to one point in each category. This is then added up to determine the final score.

Plot: 1/1 stars

Okay, I must say, this plot spoke to me. The whole premise of this was that artists are powerful, that they should be given the chance to grow and channel their talents. Their art can literally be turned into a weapon. This is such a powerful message to EVERYONE. Art truly is a weapon; whether it be drawings, paintings, music, words, anything. I was in awe the entire time I was reading just for this reason. Of course, there's another, huge plot going on (which I won't spoil for you lovely folk), but this is what stuck out the most to me.

Just, OH MAN! That plot twist at the end ;) (You will NEVER see it coming)!

Characters: 0.9/1 stars

I want so badly to be able to give this section full points, but lets be honest. Sometimes, "middle grade" books have stereotypical characters and this one had one. Every other character was dynamic, changing, and interesting. The ONLY character that just didn't do it for me was Savino. He was moody, untrusting, and actually just stayed this way until the end of the novel. Like I said though, this is my only complaint!

Description: 1/1 stars

Okay, I was actually extremely impressed with this book. It was surprisingly detailed! I felt like I REALLy got a sense of this world; it was so vivid, so complete with just a touch of mystery.

Pace: 1/1 stars

This novel was a little bit faster paced, but it didn't bug me. I don't mind faster paced novels as long as they don't rush things and this one didn't.

Extras: 1/1 stars

I said earlier that I was hoping this book had the same touch as Avatar and it really did! Throughout the book, there were several sketches drawn in that were supposedly drawn by the main character, Giacomo. These really helped to add to the novel, they added that visual description that may had been missing before.

That adds to a total of 4.9/5 STARS!!!!!!

This was such an impressive novel and you can expect to see me anxiously waiting for the sequel to come out later this year! :)

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