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Must Reads

Here is a list of books that are so good we think everyone should add them to their TBR list! 
This list is in no particular order


Harry Potter


The book is relatable for all ages and is a fun and exciting read. It allows the reader to forget the world around them and pulls them into the Wizarding World.


A Court of Thorns and Roses (and A Court of Mist and Fury)

Along with an intriguing story line, the characters in these novels are dynamic and groundbreaking. The author is not afraid to talk about issues that most people are uncomfortable with discussing and she does it in a realistic way, even though it is Fantasy.



Vampire Academy

(and the spin-off: Bloodlines)

The writing is so interesting and the plot pulls you along in the book you forget this is a "love story". But it's not just some vampire love story, it has strong female characters, discusses grief, and portrays body issues in a new and profound way. 


The Lunar Chronicles

Not gonna lie, we love a good retelling! The author finds a perfect balance between fairy tales with Sci-Fi and brings you into a stunning new world that has a sense of familiarity. 



The Mortal Instruments 

(and the spin-off series:  The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices) 


The writing. Oh my gosh, the writing! Some people say they don't like her style, but we adore it. 


The Zodiac Series

Not only does Romina discuss important issues of race and honesty, but it's done in a fast paced, Sci-Fi/Fantasy world! Rhoma, the protagonist, does not have any special powers - and that's what makes her so human and relatable! 


Red Queen (and the sequel Glass Sword)

Red Queen is so creative and fast paced as well you can't put it down. We love the idea and think the author is good at balancing the too much/too little issue on details.


The Faerie Path

Based on the title, you would think: "oh, sounds kinda tacky/little kid-ish."  Such a statement couldn't be further away from the truth!  This story combines strong female characters along with an immortal people and endings that you will never see coming!  A story that makes you rethink your own reality ;)




This classic is just one of those books you have to read. While it's not the first novel written by a woman, it's one of the more well known ones. Mary Shelley writes the monster in such a way that you can't help but love it and feel sorry for it. Her use of description sucks you in; you just can't put the book down!   



This is a novel that we discovered in our beloved BooklyBox!  An interesting new take on the traditional "fallen angel" tale.  A writing style that sucks you in combined with a plot that you will never really be able to figure out until book 3 will leave you begging for more!  This book is everything you could ever hope for and more!!!

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