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Favorite Reads of 2016

With 2016 over, and a lot of great books read, we thought it would be fun to do our favorite reads of 2016!

So we're a little late with this post (seeing as January is almost over, crazy right!?) but it was just so hard deciding what books to put down as our favorite for this past year! A lot of amazing books were left off this list, but we thought it would be better to keep the list short and sweet!

These books aren't in any particular order - they're all amazing!

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

This book is the start of a spin off series from The Mortal Instruments series, The Dark Artifices series. First off, the book is almost 700 pages long! (AMAZING! - we love a long read). Second off, the main character, Emma, is so relatable, sassy, and fun to follow. A lot of people are saying that Cassie's writing has been getting worse, but we think it's getting better and this book is proof of that!

The book was also very suspenseful (like most of Cassie's books) and kept us on our toes the entire time. You never knew what was going to happen next and that suspense really helped the book keep it's pace. If you're a fan of mystery, fantasy, and fun reads, this is perfect for you! ... As long as you've read the nine other books that came out before it!

Zodiac Series by Romina Russel

We read these books this year and WOW! If you've never had the pleasure of picking up Zodiac, we recommend doing so. The book is not only set in a fantastical world of Zodiac constellations (planets = constellations), but the creativity of each sign being so different and well developed is refreshing. Rhoma Grace, our main character is a big hearted person that will do anything for her friends and family - and her home.

This books is filled with astonishing worlds, relatable characters, fantastic villains, and great writing. Plus, it doesn't hurt that the covers are BEAUTIFUL!

A Court of Thorns and Roses/

A Court of Mist and Fury

by Sarah J Maas

After we had finished reading the first book, ACOTAR, we thought "Wow, this book is amazing!" It had a strong female character, fae, and fantastical worlds. Until we picked up the second one.

If you are skeptical of this series, read the first book just to read the second. We thought the first book was amazing but the second blew our minds away! Stunning plot, stunning world, stunning characters. It was ... well ... stunning!

The Diviners and Lair of Dreams

by Libba Bray

Set in the Roaring 20's is always a setting I can enjoy. Match it with paranormal, murderous entities that want to destroy the world paired with people dealing with magical powers and you've got a book I can enjoy! The dialogue seemed so authentic to the time -- it even used popular slang from that time period.

Yet, even with all the glitz and glam, Bray can make your skin feel cold and your heart stop. Her descriptive writing sucks me into the story far too well than I would like for certain parts. It's creepy, spunky, and unique. LOVE IT!

Red Queen and Glass Sword

by Victoria Aveyard

Mare Barrow is one of the most badass females I have ever had the pleasure of reading! Her story takes place in a world where the elite and the poor are divided by one thing - their blood. The Silvers (people with Silver blood) are the ruling class that control the Reds (people with Red blood). But when Mare, a Red, is thrown into the world of the Silvers, things get a little bit tricky!

Honestly, this book shocked me. I loved the fact that Mare was so realistic and tough. It's always nice to see a strong female main character! It also has one of the best villains! The series in general is just AMAZING! Once I picked it up I couldn't put it down.

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

If you read our review of Cinder previously, you know that we adore this series. Cinder is a twist on the classic fairytales we know and love. It includes the tales of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Snow White - with a twist! Cinder is a 16 year old cyborg that runs into trouble when she meets the prince of New Beijing Kai. Her past is unknown and deadly to her - especially since the Lunar Queen Levana doesn't know she exists.

The way Meyer mashes these fairytale seamlessly and brings their world to life is amazing. The characters are also brilliant. No one is a damsel in distress, well, almost none of them. Their wit, spunk, and personalities charmed me into staying with the universe and now I'm sad it's over.

Since 2016 is clearly over, we're excited for all the amazing reads to come in 2017! If you have any suggestions for books coming out in 2017 we need to read, or any books in general for that matter, please feel free to contact us! You can comment here or message us through our Instagram or Twitter - @ladyandstar :)

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