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Review: Throne of Glass

Yes, I know, I'm WAY behind the trend. I just recently had the chance to finish Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. (What is wrong with me!? WHY on earth did it take me so long to read this!?)

GUYS! I cannot express just how much I love Sarah J Maas. She takes risks in her writing, she's willing to go where others are terrified to go. She writes realistic characters with real mental illnesses. It's inspiring.

So, I've been hearing "you NEED to read TOG" for a long time. For Christmas, I was surprised by my family with the entire series in hardcover. I guess this gave me the excuse that I needed to dive in.

Here, we review book based on five categories: plot, characters, description, pace, and extras. The book is able to earn up to one point in each category. This is then added up to determine the final score.

Plot: 1/1 stars

This novel follows a competition of assassins, all of whom who are trying to win their place to serve the king. Those who lose either die, or sent back to prison. There is also some evil force in the castle murdering off the contestants. This is surely one plot that will keep you on your toes.

Characters: 0.8/1 stars

Ok, there were some amazing characters but there were also a few that were predictable. Don't get me wrong, I feel like sometime stories need these predictable characters, but I felt like this story was too good for that.

Description: 1/1 stars

As always, I'm impressed by the world Sarah J Maas created. It was so cruel, so terrifying. Even as a reader, I felt that if I took a wrong step, it would be over. It was terrible and beautiful all at the same time. Sarah J Maas' attention to detail is extraordinary and makes it easy to escape into her world.

Pace: 0.9/stars

Okay, there was a ton of action, but I felt like there were a couple times where it just slowed down too much. It would have helped if the reader was able to see all of the tasks that there happening. I understand why she left these out, but I just felt like it would have helped THIS reader.

Extras: 0.9/1 stars

Guys. Can I please have ONE YA book without a love triangle!? There is so much more happening in this novel and I just felt like this part was unnecessary. To me, it just didn't add to the story; it took away. Again, I felt like this story was too good for that.

This means that TOG gets an overall score of 4.7/5 stars!!!!!!

This was truly an amazing book that I would suggest to ANYONE!

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